August 2011


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THURSDAY, AUGUST 18  11am -4pm, $60

By designing and printing a poster together, participants in this class will learn typesetting of both metal and wood moveable type, hand inking technique, shop procedure, and operation of the Vandercook no. 2 galley proof press (& the badass 26″ Chandler and Price lever paper cutter!).  We will also cover basic typography, some printing history. & a little color theory.  Participants will thereafter be qualified to use the proof press– perfect for printing linoleum and wood image blocks as well as type– during supervised open studio hours.

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th  10am -4pm, $80
This class is for those who have taken Letterpress Fundamentals (or ANY workshop from me in the past) and would like to learn to operate the Chandler and Price platen job press (or refresh their muscle memory).  By designing and printing a postcard together, participants will advance their typesetting skills and learn to lock up the form, pack & ink the press, & troubleshoot until achieving ideal registration and impression.  Participants will go home with an edition of at least 20 beautiful postcards and will thereafter be qualified to use the job press for their own projects during supervised open studio hours.

The instructor for both is Sarah Archer, a writer and artist who has taught letterpress and book arts at People’s Print, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and The Evergreen State College. please contact her to register and/or ask any questions you might have: accidentalpress at

Manzanita People's Print

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Lost and found song

lost and found song


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