September 2011

Time Based Art Festival, Portland Oregon 2011

ashby collinson, time based art festival 2011, portland Oregon
ashby collinson
Lucky Dragons, time based art festival 2011, portland Oregon
Lucky Dragons


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another introductory letterpress workshop

The August 18th Letterpress Fundamentals workshop was a blast! Thanks to Peter, Gambele, Ryan and Anthony for participating. I’ve added another section of this class for September, keeping it to four people only~ we have a small space and I want to make sure everyone gets plenty of hands-on experience. only two spots left! Comment below to register. Or send me (Sarah) an email: accidentalpress at

here’s the facts:

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. 11am -4pm, $60

By designing and printing a poster together, participants in this class will learn typesetting of both metal and wood moveable type, hand inking technique, shop procedure, and operation of the Vandercook no. 2 galley proof press (& the badass 26″ Chandler and Price lever paper cutter!). We will also cover basic typography, some printing history. & a little color theory. Participants will thereafter be qualified to use the proof press– perfect for printing linoleum and wood image blocks as well as type– during supervised open studio hours.

Manzanita People's Print

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