{ Monthly Archives }
September 2011
another introductory letterpress workshop
The August 18th Letterpress Fundamentals workshop was a blast! Thanks to Peter, Gambele, Ryan and Anthony for participating. I’ve added another section of this class for September, keeping it to four people only~ we have a small space and I want to make sure everyone gets plenty of hands-on experience. only two spots left! Comment below to register. Or send me (Sarah) an email: accidentalpress at gmail.com.
here’s the facts:
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. 11am -4pm, $60
By designing and printing a poster together, participants in this class will learn typesetting of both metal and wood moveable type, hand inking technique, shop procedure, and operation of the Vandercook no. 2 galley proof press (& the badass 26″ Chandler and Price lever paper cutter!). We will also cover basic typography, some printing history. & a little color theory. Participants will thereafter be qualified to use the proof press– perfect for printing linoleum and wood image blocks as well as type– during supervised open studio hours.